In 2009, Alalusi Foundation solicited donations of medical supplies from hospitals and medical centers in Northern California for hospitals and clinics in Iraq. With the assistance of physicians, nurses, and students from UCSF Medical Center, the donated items were sorted and packaged by volunteers at the Foundation’s facility in Hayward, California, and a full container of greatly needed medical equipment and supplies was shipped to Iraq.
Alalusi Foundation arranged for the purchase and distribution of a container-load of blankets to needy families caring for orphaned children in Iraq.
In Hanzhuang Village, Shandong Province, the Alalusi Foundation has given over 40 impoverished farming families new opportunities and prosperity with livestock. Needy families were identified, and each family was given four breeding sheep, under condition that the sheep not be slaughtered or sold for five years, and that they be well cared for. The lambs bred by the sheep would belong to the families. A typical report from one of the 18 families is that their four sheep (valued at $260 U.S.) had increased in two years to a flock of several dozen. They are earning income both from wool and edible consumption sales. Selling just part of their flock, they earned about $1200 U.S., allowing them to make improvements to their house, afford a new well, and keep their remaining flock to continue their circle of growth. Further enriching the lives of the family, garden yield was greatly improved due to fertilizer (manure) that they could not previously afford.
In 2006, in conjunction with the Timbuktu Educational Foundation, Alalusi Foundation provided funds for the restoration, preservation, and digitization of ancient Islamic manuscripts in the ancient university city of Timbuktu.
Alalusi Foundation has assisted with start-up funding and advisory assistance for a number of non-profit organizations, including: